Understanding Warrants

Use these resources to learn the difference between an ICE Warrant and a Valid Judicial Warrant

Valid Judicial Warrant: A valid judicial warrant is signed by a “U.S. Magistrate or Judge” under the signature line. The name, date, and address must all be correct. If they present a valid judicial warrant (signed by a judge or magistrate), then only the person who is named on the warrant should step out of the home and close the door behind them to keep others in the home safe.

ICE Warrant: An ICE Warrant can justify an arrest on the street or at work, if it has your name on it. An ICE Warrant might be signed by an ICE agent, NOT by a judge or magistrate. It may say, “Authorized Immigration Officer” below the signature line or “U.S. Department of Homeland Security.” This is NOT a valid warrant if you are inside your home and you do not need to open the door, stay inside and keep your door locked.